Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By chriscook8
#14634 https://github.com/chriscook8/esp-arduino-apboot

This reads from eeprom to get SSID and password information. Then trys to connect to it. If it doesn't work, or no SSID is found it boots into a AP mode hosting a configuration webpage.

First pass on this task anyway.

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By CheapB
chriscook8 wrote:https://github.com/chriscook8/esp-arduino-apboot

This reads from eeprom to get SSID and password information. Then trys to connect to it. If it doesn't work, or no SSID is found it boots into a AP mode hosting a configuration webpage.

First pass on this task anyway.


Thanks for posting! I have not tried it yet, but this is super useful when you are moving the ESP to different environments. I wonder if it is possible to use the intended config store instead of the EEPROM store at some point, but this is a great start..