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Moderator: igrr

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By kriegste
#29447 From the manual:

Code: Select allstruct station_config {
 uint8 ssid[32];
 uint8 password[64];
 uint8 bssid_set;
 uint8 bssid[6];

BSSID as MAC address of AP, will be used when several APs have the same
If station_config.bssid_set==1 , station_config.bssid has to be set,
otherwise, the connection will fail.
In general, station_config.bssid_set need to be 0.

Edit: Oh, I just saw, you use the Arduino stuff... I have no idea then.
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By igrr
#29465 Basically, you first have to choose an AP, and then pass its BSSID to WiFi.begin:

WiFi.begin(const char* ssid, const char *passphrase, int32_t channel, uint8_t bssid[6]);

Note that if you want to pass bssid you also need to set the channel number.

Getting BSSID and channel number from scan results is possible by calling WiFi.BSSID(index) and