maybe my english is too bad, but I dont understand your text completely.
I'm using the ESP8266-12. It's WLAN frequency is 2.4 GHz.
Also the ESP23 uses 2.4 GHz.
There's nothing with 5 GHz, you wrote about.
My Radar module also uses 2,4 GHz - clearly a problem.
But after much of recherche, I see, that even users who're using a Radar module's frequency around 3 GHz are complaining a lot about interferences with the ESPs WLAN.
No idea why Electroguard doesn't have such problems.
I'm not shure, why you speak about Bluetooth.
Fact is: All my ESPs are disconnecting immediately if I switch on a 2.4 GHz Radar module!
But even without Radar, all my ESPs are disconnecting from time to time. Since Months im fighting with this trouble!
Not only with my own programs, but also with code-samples from this forum.
Long time I was recherching in different forums for the reasons. And I tryed out each hint about decoupling and so on. But nothing was really helpfull.
I'm an electronic professionel, so I know about correct decoupling and how to make a sourge stable. So I don't use breadboards, I'm soldering with short wires and decoupling capacitors and so on.
My experiments show, that the ESP8266 himself is the culprit. This device works instable!
And I think, its his receiver - it works much to broadband.
Maybe an actice Antenna would improve its reliability.
Maybe also, the ESP32 has a more reliable receiver, but I didn't try it out, till now.
A friend of mine (a really professionel!) also has had many problems with the ESP.
Because that, he switched to the much more expensive SAMW25.
He says, this module workes stable like a rock! Even with bulky websites, containing websockets, Ajax, JavaScript ... but it's expensive and has some limitations against the ESP. Less memory and so on.
Conclusing, I really hope the ESP32 is more reliable, then the ESP8266!