Chat freely about the open source Javascript projects for ESP8266

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By kolban
jankop wrote:Solved. The problem is when flashing. Flasher writes, I do not know why, only one segment. Do I have to flash twice.

There was an issue that was found with nodemcu-flasher ... see:

Which resulted in it only flashing one binary even though two were selected. This issue was reported and has been corrected in the latest builds. It may be that you have an older build?

Delighted that you got it working. Please don't hesitate to come back if you questions or problems. I'd suggest creating a new forum post for each problem though. There is also a live chat on gitter on JavaScript (Espruino) found here ... and also the dedicated support community for JavaScript (Espruino) which is not ESP8266 specific here ...
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By tve
#37588 I thought I'd post an update here. While this thread has been very quiet, Espruino on the esp8266 has been very active. You can find the latest build referenced in the following thread: and there's always some chatter going on in
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By Jim Brooks
#47835 This link is broken. Guess it's hard to keep up with the frantic pace of a zillion hobbyists typing. Love the tutorials but need a little help getting started. There is so much docs, and so many things to learn where does one start. Would you be able to provide an update to your video Flashing an "ESP8266 with Espruino"?
Have a great day,


kolban wrote:The latest binaries for the Espruino running on ESP8266 can be found here: ... er/ESP8266