- Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:57 am
So far I have used only dns resolver in lwip.
Just copied the dns_gethostbyname function declaration from headers of some (old) version of lwip I had from one of the earlier projects. That's not the best approach
, but I guess the function prototypes do not change very often, so it worked (i.e. I was able to get my callbacks called, and some sane arguments were passed in).
You can take a look at the output of "xtensa-lx106-elf-nm liblwip.a" to see what parts of lwip are present in the library from the sdk.
Code: Select all
U __divsi3
U __udivsi3
00000768 T dhcp_arp_reply
00000518 T dhcp_cleanup
0000026c T dhcp_coarse_tmr
000002b8 T dhcp_fine_tmr
00000650 T dhcp_inform
0000071c T dhcp_network_changed
00000cf8 T dhcp_release
00000a70 T dhcp_renew
00000000 B dhcp_rx_options_given
00000010 B dhcp_rx_options_val
000004f0 T dhcp_set_struct
00000560 T dhcp_start
00000dd4 T dhcp_stop
U dns_setserver
U etharp_query
U ip_addr_any
U ip_addr_broadcast
U memset
U netif_list
U netif_set_down
U netif_set_gw
U netif_set_ipaddr
U netif_set_netmask
U netif_set_up
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_copy_partial
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_realloc
U pvPortMalloc
U system_station_got_ip_set
U udp_bind
U udp_connect
U udp_new
U udp_recv
U udp_remove
U udp_sendto_if
U vPortFree
00000708 T dhcps_start
U ets_memcmp
U ets_memcpy
U ets_memset
U ip_addr_any
U memcpy
U os_printf
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_free
00000010 B s
U udp_bind
U udp_new
U udp_recv
U udp_sendto
U wifi_softap_free_station_info
U wifi_softap_get_station_info
U wifi_softap_set_station_info
000005f8 T dns_gethostbyname
000000c8 T dns_getserver
0000002c T dns_init
00000094 T dns_setserver
00000008 T dns_tmr
U ets_memcpy
U ip_addr_any
U ipaddr_addr
U memcpy
U memset
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_copy_partial
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_realloc
U strlen
U udp_bind
U udp_connect
U udp_new
U udp_recv
U udp_sendto
U __umodsi3
U dns_gethostbyname
000003f0 T espconn_accept
0000016c T espconn_connect
00000010 T espconn_copy_partial
00000478 T espconn_disconnect
000000e4 T espconn_find_connection
000002d4 T espconn_get_connection_info
000004c0 T espconn_gethostbyname
000000a0 T espconn_list_creat
000000bc T espconn_list_delete
00000010 T espconn_port
00000270 T espconn_regist_connectcb
0000029c T espconn_regist_disconcb
0000028c T espconn_regist_reconcb
00000280 T espconn_regist_recvcb
00000264 T espconn_regist_sentcb
0000042c T espconn_regist_time
0000020c T espconn_sent
U espconn_tcp_client
U espconn_tcp_disconnect
U espconn_tcp_sent
U espconn_tcp_server
U espconn_udp_client
U espconn_udp_disconnect
U espconn_udp_sent
U espconn_udp_server
U ets_memcpy
U ets_memset
00000004 B link_timer
U os_printf
00000000 B plink_active
00000010 B premot
U system_get_time
U wifi_get_ip_info
U wifi_get_opmode
U espconn_copy_partial
U espconn_get_connection_info
U espconn_list_creat
U espconn_list_delete
00000560 T espconn_tcp_client
000001a0 T espconn_tcp_disconnect
00000118 T espconn_tcp_sent
00000a9c T espconn_tcp_server
U ets_memcpy
U ets_timer_arm_new
U ets_timer_disarm
U ets_timer_setfn
U ip_addr_any
U link_timer
U os_printf
U pbuf_copy_partial
U pbuf_free
U plink_active
U pvPortZalloc
U tcp_abandon
U tcp_accept
U tcp_arg
U tcp_bind
U tcp_close
U tcp_connect
U tcp_err
U tcp_listen_with_backlog
U tcp_new
U tcp_output
U tcp_poll
U tcp_recv
U tcp_recved
U tcp_sent
U tcp_write
U vPortFree
U espconn_list_creat
U espconn_list_delete
00000238 T espconn_udp_client
000001c8 T espconn_udp_disconnect
00000048 T espconn_udp_sent
00000304 T espconn_udp_server
U ets_memcpy
U ip_addr_any
U memcpy
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_copy_partial
U pbuf_free
U plink_active
U pvPortZalloc
U sys_timeout
U udp_bind
U udp_connect
U udp_disconnect
U udp_new
U udp_recv
U udp_remove
U udp_send
U vPortFree
U dhcp_arp_reply
00000274 T etharp_cleanup_netif
000002b4 T etharp_find_addr
00000510 T etharp_output
00000620 T etharp_query
00000848 T etharp_request
00000038 T etharp_tmr
00000000 R ethbroadcast
00000878 T ethernet_input
00000006 R ethzero
U ets_memcpy
U ip4_addr_isbroadcast
U ip_input
U memp_free
U memp_malloc
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_copy
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_header
U pbuf_ref
U current_iphdr_dest
U current_iphdr_src
U ets_memcpy
00000240 T icmp_dest_unreach
00000060 T icmp_input
U inet_chksum
U inet_chksum_pbuf
U ip4_addr_isbroadcast
U ip_output
U ip_output_if
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_copy
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_header
0000022c T inet_chksum
00000244 T inet_chksum_pbuf
0000007c T inet_chksum_pseudo
00000148 T inet_chksum_pseudo_partial
U dns_init
00000010 T lwip_init
U memp_init
U netif_init
U sys_timeouts_init
U __udivsi3
U __umodsi3
00000000 T ip4_addr_isbroadcast
00000034 T ip4_addr_netmask_valid
00000000 R ip_addr_any
00000004 R ip_addr_broadcast
00000078 T ipaddr_addr
0000009c T ipaddr_aton
00000200 T ipaddr_ntoa
0000021c T ipaddr_ntoa_r
0000000c B current_header
00000000 B current_iphdr_dest
00000004 B current_iphdr_src
00000008 B current_netif
U icmp_dest_unreach
U icmp_input
U inet_chksum
U ip4_addr_isbroadcast
0000014c T ip_input
000004e8 T ip_output
00000388 T ip_output_if
00000010 T ip_route
00000088 T ip_router
U netif_default
U netif_list
U os_printf
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_header
U pbuf_realloc
U tcp_input
U udp_input
00000010 D memp_desc
000000c8 T memp_free
00000044 T memp_init
000000a8 T memp_malloc
00000570 B memp_memory_ARP_QUEUE_base
000006f0 B memp_memory_PBUF_POOL_base
00000620 B memp_memory_PBUF_base
000005c0 B memp_memory_SYS_TIMEOUT_base
000003e0 B memp_memory_TCP_PCB_LISTEN_base
00000080 B memp_memory_TCP_PCB_base
00000430 B memp_memory_TCP_SEG_base
00000000 B memp_memory_UDP_PCB_base
00000000 D memp_sizes_test
U dhcp_network_changed
U etharp_cleanup_netif
U etharp_request
0000000c T netif_add
00000004 B netif_default
000000dc T netif_find
00000000 T netif_init
00000000 B netif_list
0000008c T netif_remove
00000060 T netif_set_addr
000001ac T netif_set_default
000001e4 T netif_set_down
00000188 T netif_set_gw
00000120 T netif_set_ipaddr
00000250 T netif_set_link_down
00000210 T netif_set_link_up
00000198 T netif_set_netmask
000001b8 T netif_set_up
U tcp_abort
U tcp_active_pcbs
U tcp_listen_pcbs
U __udivsi3
U ip_addr_any
00000434 T netio_init
U pbuf_free
U pvPortMalloc
U tcp_accept
U tcp_arg
U tcp_bind
U tcp_close
U tcp_listen_with_backlog
U tcp_new
U tcp_poll
U tcp_recv
U tcp_recved
U tcp_sent
U tcp_write
U vPortFree
U ets_memcpy
U memp_free
U memp_malloc
00000010 T pbuf_alloc
000002bc T pbuf_cat
000002e8 T pbuf_chain
00000298 T pbuf_clen
000004dc T pbuf_coalesce
00000344 T pbuf_copy
000003ec T pbuf_copy_partial
00000304 T pbuf_dechain
00000218 T pbuf_free
00000510 T pbuf_get_at
0000019c T pbuf_header
0000053c T pbuf_memcmp
000005b4 T pbuf_memfind
00000154 T pbuf_realloc
000002b0 T pbuf_ref
00000614 T pbuf_strstr
00000478 T pbuf_take
U pvPortMalloc
U strlen
U system_pp_recycle_rx_pkt
U vPortFree
U __divsi3
U current_iphdr_dest
U current_iphdr_src
U inet_chksum_pseudo
U ip4_addr_isbroadcast
U memp_free
U pbuf_clen
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_header
U pbuf_realloc
U tcp_abandon
U tcp_abort
U tcp_active_pcbs
U tcp_alloc
U tcp_eff_send_mss
U tcp_enqueue_flags
00000094 T tcp_input
00000030 B tcp_input_pcb
U tcp_listen_pcbs
U tcp_output
U tcp_pcb_purge
U tcp_pcb_remove
U tcp_recv_null
U tcp_rexmit
U tcp_rexmit_fast
U tcp_rst
U tcp_seg_free
U tcp_send_empty_ack
U tcp_ticks
U tcp_timer_needed
U tcp_tmp_pcb
U tcp_tw_pcbs
U tcp_update_rcv_ann_wnd
U __udivsi3
U ip_route
U memcpy
U memp_free
U memp_malloc
U memset
U pbuf_free
000000d0 T tcp_abandon
00000170 T tcp_abort
00000a18 T tcp_accept
00000004 B tcp_active_pcbs
00000928 T tcp_alloc
000009fc T tcp_arg
00000020 R tcp_backoff
00000198 T tcp_bind
00000010 B tcp_bound_pcbs
00000028 T tcp_close
000003a0 T tcp_connect
00000b30 T tcp_debug_state_str
00000af8 T tcp_eff_send_mss
U tcp_enqueue_flags
00000a10 T tcp_err
00000778 T tcp_fasttmr
U tcp_keepalive
00000014 B tcp_listen_pcbs
0000023c T tcp_listen_with_backlog
000009e8 T tcp_new
00000ae4 T tcp_next_iss
U tcp_output
00000000 R tcp_pcb_lists
00000a28 T tcp_pcb_purge
00000a78 T tcp_pcb_remove
00000010 R tcp_persist_backoff
00000a1c T tcp_poll
00000a00 T tcp_recv
0000084c T tcp_recv_null
00000334 T tcp_recved
U tcp_rexmit_rto
U tcp_rst
00000818 T tcp_seg_free
000007f4 T tcp_segs_free
U tcp_send_fin
00000a08 T tcp_sent
00000840 T tcp_setprio
00000054 T tcp_shutdown
000004f0 T tcp_slowtmr
00000030 R tcp_state_str
00000018 B tcp_ticks
U tcp_timer_needed
00000008 B tcp_tmp_pcb
00000004 T tcp_tmr
0000000c B tcp_tw_pcbs
000002f0 T tcp_update_rcv_ann_wnd
U tcp_zero_window_probe
U ets_memcpy
U inet_chksum_pseudo
U ip_output
U ip_route
U memp_malloc
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_cat
U pbuf_clen
U pbuf_copy_partial
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_header
000006b0 T tcp_enqueue_flags
U tcp_input_pcb
00000de4 T tcp_keepalive
0000084c T tcp_output
00000cd0 T tcp_rexmit
00000d7c T tcp_rexmit_fast
00000c90 T tcp_rexmit_rto
00000b64 T tcp_rst
U tcp_seg_free
U tcp_segs_free
000007a4 T tcp_send_empty_ack
0000010c T tcp_send_fin
U tcp_ticks
00000354 T tcp_write
00000e7c T tcp_zero_window_probe
U __udivsi3
U dhcp_coarse_tmr
U dhcp_fine_tmr
U dns_tmr
U etharp_tmr
U memp_free
U memp_malloc
00000258 T sys_check_timeouts
00000318 T sys_restart_timeouts
00000168 T sys_timeout
00000110 T sys_timeouts_init
000001e4 T sys_untimeout
U tcp_active_pcbs
00000060 T tcp_timer_needed
U tcp_tmr
U tcp_tw_pcbs
U timer2_ms_flag
U current_iphdr_dest
U current_iphdr_src
U icmp_dest_unreach
U inet_chksum_pseudo
U ip4_addr_isbroadcast
U ip_output_if
U ip_route
U memp_free
U memp_malloc
U memset
U pbuf_alloc
U pbuf_chain
U pbuf_free
U pbuf_header
00000434 T udp_bind
000004b4 T udp_connect
00000510 T udp_disconnect
00000054 T udp_input
00000578 T udp_new
00000000 B udp_pcbs
00000528 T udp_recv
00000538 T udp_remove
00000280 T udp_send
0000029c T udp_sendto
000002f4 T udp_sendto_if
Edit: didn't know the IoT SDK had lwip sources, googling for that now.