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By martinayotte
NardJ wrote:I don't understand the difference between using a cpp and c file very well, but the cpp seems more transparent (easier to understand codewise for me). What do you mean by "...mismatch of having both, since cpu.c was present"?

The signature of every functions in C++ are different with the same in C, this means that at link time, there could be some "undefined" since they are not matching each other. That's why I've rename the cpu.cpp file and figured out that most compile errors were gone. Only few errors left that I've also corrected.

NardJ wrote:I found some internet posts which claim that with a esp-12 it should be possible to get some sort of ISP interface. So using this to interface to 2x 32k256 chips we have 64kB. Another pin to input a ps/2 keyboard and a pin to output video commands.

What do you mean by "ISP" ? I presume you means "SPI" ...
Interfacing RAM would be a bit difficult since it won't be accessible directly, it will need some caching mechanism.
PS/2 keyboard should be easy to add. Video will also be a bit difficult, it will need to handled with some kind of co-processor or an FPGA.
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By NardJ
#26967 (SPI indeed.)

I tried an adaptation of the 6502 emu-code by Pito who inserted a C64 ROM, adjusted it for Pic32 (added VT100 terminal output) and added some sort of caching.

With your previous code as example I could figure out all the necessary changes. (see attachment). Since the rom is a bit larger, the free memory is less. The output is
Code: Select all    **** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ****


FOR I=1 TO 10000:NEXT I


(The for next loop still finishes in 8 seconds, so 112% the speed of real C64.)

Using this as base I am going to try to hook up 2 32k256 chips this week!
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By NardJ
mrburnette wrote:Would not the "real" trick here be to implement the ESP version as a C64 webserver? Input would be a 1 line buffer as would line edit and output to the browser Ajax enabled :shock:

To take this a step further: Would it be possible to stream video from the esp8266. The esp8266 could read (and interpret) the video ram of the emulator and stream it to a smart-tv or browser using this as display. Following url has a nice writeup of the different options:

Would this be feasible?