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By calumk
#9919 Image

ESPINOUP is a BETA service for uploading/programming .ino files to an arduino over the cloud

ESPINOUP is a tool I have created primerily for my own use.
It is not very safe, not very secure, and probably not very good. But in the off-chance that it could be useful to some people other than myself, ive chosen to make it publically avaliable for a limited time.

What is it?!
The ESP8266 is a wonderful cheap wifi module.
The arduino is a wonderful cheap microcontroller.
The ESP8266 can act as a "wireless bridge" which in laymans terms means it can almost pretend to be a USB cable.<br>
If the ESP8266 is "port forwarded" so that it is accessable to the outside world, and connected to an arduino, then we can use it to program an arduino.

How does it work?
Simply install on your esp8266, Port forward it so it is accessable from the outside world, and then drag a .ino onto the iframe on my website.
You will need to press the reset button on your arduino, when the site tells you to!

More details on my site.

Please dont hurt my server :)