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ESP8266 @9600 Baud Rate

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:11 pm
by noelportugal

Just wanted to share my experience running at 9600. I got better results changing to 9600 using v0.922 from electrodragon. I was able to use hardware serial and softwareserial (for monitoring) without a problem. Before that I ran into a lot of issue. Here is how I implemented using and Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v.

http://www.instructables.com/id/ESP8266 ... re-Logger/


Re: ESP8266 @9600 Baud Rate

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 2:35 am
by inagy
I will check this out. I've tried to do the same yesterday and got very weird results by simply proxying serial communication between hardware serial and software seral on my Arduino Uno. When a TCP connection arrived, I've only received like every second or third byte from it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Also, how stable is by you? For me the module reboots randomly. I don't understand because with the factory firmware it was okay. I'm using the Uno to power the board like i did it before, i don't think it's a power issue.

Re: ESP8266 @9600 Baud Rate

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:16 am
by villTech
inagy wrote:Thanks!
I will check this out. I've tried to do the same yesterday and got very weird results by simply proxying serial communication between hardware serial and software seral on my Arduino Uno. When a TCP connection arrived, I've only received like every second or third byte from it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Also, how stable is by you? For me the module reboots randomly. I don't understand because with the factory firmware it was okay. I'm using the Uno to power the board like i did it before, i don't think it's a power issue.

it could still be a power issue. i had 3 units, all working ok before even with a 150mA regulator. after i flashed 1 unit with fw from sdk, it started to act crazy (garbage data, random restart). so i changed the PS, and it run ok again. the other 2 units with stock fw still run ok wih 150mA regulator.

i have not scope logged the consumption of my units running with stock and reflashed fw, but i want to try when i have time.

Re: ESP8266 @9600 Baud Rate

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:11 pm
by krich
Just doing a rudimentary test over a 1 ohm resistor, I'm showing a peak current of about 160-170 mA during wifi activity. I bet your 150 milliamp supply is just below what it needs to transmit properly. I haven't tried the other three I have. At least one of those is an original style module with no LEDs. I might take a quick look at that one later.