Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By nevyn
Freeck wrote:I literally followed all steps of the VisualGDB-tutorial.
Before that I used the wrong version of xt-ocd.exe , and I installed the old ftdi-driver from Olimex, resulting in very bad performance and instability.
Now stability is still is an aspect of great concern: you very often have to restart the VisualGDB-debugger, and/or power down or reset the esp8266.....
Sometimes the chip,wont flash anymore repeatedly. My workaround, no guarantee, is to power down the chip for lets say half an hour , et voila, the download to the flash was succesfull again.

So you have to very patient debugging via jtag. In the meantime I have inserted printf statements to the serial port to monitor real time issues.....

Turned out I had a wiring problem, I now have this running with the Segger J-Link.

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By Freeck
#30499 I am using Eclipse to develop and debug. Now I try to download an image to the target via a jtag device. But during loading the image a memory exception occurs, probably caused by accessing the spi-flash area. I already noticed in another thread that flashing via gdb/Xt-ocd is not an option, true?
So the question would be: how to download an image into the spi-flash via the jtag interface?

Any assistance would be welcome. Thanks.