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ESP8266 as bridge ?0.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 3:46 pm
by hary
I'm discovering the ESP8266 and I'm wondering if it could be used as a bridge.

I've no internet connection, but my neighbor has one and offers me to share his.

We are 200 meters away from each and putting a mast on the roof, we would have sight contact.

I was thinking to use 1 ESP8266 at my neighbor as Access Point.
Ans 1 at my house as Station and maybe also as Access Point as I saw the ESP8266 can do both at the same time (AP and Station)

Are my explanation clear enough ? And if so, would it be possible ?
The good thing I'm looking after is the low power needed for the ESP8266 compared to some other solution (Ubiqiti Nanostation for instance, 8W when the ESP8266 is asking at most 0.8W or maybe less ! I'm off the grid ! )

Re: ESP8266 as bridge ?0.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:29 am
by martinayotte
Be aware the ESPs are not routers, even if you use SoftAP mode, it won't give you a full fledge internet connection between the 2 houses.