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Simple autostarting example to toggle GPIO2 via tcp/udp

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:56 am
by zarya
Here you will find a diff to apply to the last SDK (at example)

the example will auto start the tcp/udp socket server and accept LED1 for GPIO2 HIGH and LED0 for setting GPIO2 LOW

the command LED will return the status of the GPIO, all this is done via a TCP connection to the module no need for extra mcu/arduino's


Re: Simple autostarting example to toggle GPIO2 via tcp/udp

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:47 am
by M0ebius
thx for sharing your example!

I've seen the nop loop - do you know the delay function? (os_delay_us())
How did you find out, how long each command needs to execute?

There is also already a gpio_init() in gpio.h.

Re: Simple autostarting example to toggle GPIO2 via tcp/udp

PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:16 pm
by zarya
M0ebius wrote:thx for sharing your example!

I've seen the nop loop - do you know the delay function? (os_delay_us())
How did you find out, how long each command needs to execute?

There is also already a gpio_init() in gpio.h.

i did not know of the os delay function so i just tryed something with nop after all the delay is prob. not needed.

and gpio.h is not included in the at example ;)

Re: Simple autostarting example to toggle GPIO2 via tcp/udp

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:39 am
by reaper7

I use Your wonderful modification from gist "Simple autostarting example to toggle GPIO2 via tcp/udp",
it contains everything I need with one small exception :)

I moved Your code from user_main.c to additional wifi_connect.c file
Code: Select all#include "user_interface.h"
#include "ip_addr.h"
#include "osapi.h"
#include "c_types.h"
#include "mem.h"

#define sleepms(x) os_delay_us(x*1000);

  uart0_sendStr("Setting MUX to 1:");
  at_setupCmdCipmux(15, "=1");




  uart0_sendStr("Starting TCP server:");
  at_setupCmdCipserver(16, "=1,9999"); 

and everything works ok

my esp8266 will operate in three networks, with of course different SSIDs/PASSWORDs: in my home, sister home, brother home
so...how to add functionality to check and select appropriate/available network on ESP8266 startup?
...and finally, when any of declared networks is not available then start ESP in AP mode with its own declared SSID