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ESP Programmer and Terminal

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:18 am
by steviemk2
To avoid the switching between some Serial-Terminal for testing the ESP8266 firmware and some flash programming tool, i made my own little win program, which incorporates these two tasks in one exe.
If RTS and DTR of the USB2UART Bridge are connected correctly via 2 diodes (See schematic in zip), it enters bootmode automatically, programs the flash and resets the esp8266 automatically after programming.
It's not perfect, but it speeds up the programming cycle, at least for me, quite a bit...

Re: ESP Programmer and Terminal

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:15 am
by steviemk2
Attached a little update

You can find more infos on the project page: http://www.elektor-labs.com/project/esp ... 14341.html

Re: ESP Programmer and Terminal

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:26 pm
by wlr2
I tried this tonight on one of my modules and it worked great. I tried to flash the second one (identical unit) and it went through the process of flashing, but now I only get a single string of garbage in the terminal when I reset the board. I have tried all of the combinations of baud rates and still get jack diddly squat.
I'm using a rev 1 board. (8 pin)
Any Ideas?