I am new to this platform, and I bought a esp12-f module from ebay. I got a bare non breadboard friendly board. I made a custom breakout for this.
I have a LM1117 based based 3.3 v regulator from where I am taking the power.
For USB-TTL I am using PL2303 (fake though) board.
After just powering up (vcc and gnd only), I found no led to be flashing/blinking. But when I touched couple of pins like tx, CH_pd etc the led just blinked.
Now I added the rest of the connection and then I connected the serial converter to usb. Opened the arduino serial monitor, checked all baud rates but nothing appeared. I was following the following instructable:
http://www.instructables.com/id/Getting ... /?ALLSTEPS
The connections are:
VCC ----> 3.3V Power supply (Vout of LM1117)
GND ----> Ground of power supply
CH_PD ----> HIGH (3.3V)
GPIO2 ----> HIGH (3.3V)
GPIO15 ----> LOW (GND)
GPIO0 ----> HIGH or Floating for AT Mode (3.3V) [ * if you want to flash completely different firmware then you must connect it to ground ]
For my case I connected GPIO0 to gnd.
For The TTL I connected TX of TTL converter to RXD of esp and RX to TXD.
With this connections nothing appearing on my screen.
I have few questions.
1. It is advised to used PL2303 as the USB to TTL.
2. Should I use any voltage divider to convert it to 3.3v.
3. Some people are saying tx should go to TXD and rx should go to RXD. Can anyone confirm on this?
4. Can anyone please tally if the pin names and connections are in sync
Please help me.