The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By alior101
#6024 Hi All,
I'm trying to set up an ESP driving an SPI display without any external arduino. I found few cryptic ports related such as



and the much promising sample code from (hspi overlap demo to drive spi display from "costaud")

my understanding is that the data and clock pins can be taken from the eeprom on the esp-01 board but the CS must be connected to a GPIO but which ?

I was trying to reverse engineer that from the sample code without much success ... Does anyone have a clue on the actual wires connections to get the ESP-01 board control an SPI device ?

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By gwizz
#6524 According to pinout here:

HSPICS is a function of GPIO15
SPICS0 is pin 20 - doesn't seem to be brought out in modules though...
SPICS1 is a function of GPIO0
SPICS1 is a function (with a question mark. hmmm) of GPIO1 - normally used for UART communication.

Not sure how you go about MUX'ing the other things out and the SPI in though...