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ESP8266 and AWS IoT

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:32 pm
by raph84

I want to share with you my first blog post ever and it's about how to connect to ESP8266 to AWS IoT. I have followed a lot of examples and it took me quite some time to achieve a successful connection. So this blog post details the steps you need to take to get this working quickly. It would be great if this could help someone else :)

If you read it, it would be awesome if you could share your feedback! This is my first blog post and I would appreciate some comments so I could get better at this!




Re: ESP8266 and AWS IoT

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:33 pm
by schikhal89
Hello Raph,
I read your post it was very informative.
I am trying something with my ESP8266 and I am a novice when it comes to AWS.
I have a Arduino UNO connected to my ESP8266 and I want to send data to AWS IOT. Unfortunately for the project I am working on I cannot use the ESP8266 standalone. I am able to send data to cloud using the Thingspeak cloud platform (https://www.electronicshub.org/connect- ... hingspeak/) I am having trouble doing the same for AWS IOT
I understand the "ESP8266WiFi.h" is a header file that is used for the ESP in standalone configuration,
Could you provide me some ideas or links as to how I may approach this.


Re: ESP8266 and AWS IoT

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2019 5:01 am
by raph84
Maybe if you could begin by telling me exactly what's is not working in what you are doing, I would be able to give you some cues. I'm not sure in which direction to send you...