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AP and Station already connected. Want to send data to cloud

PostPosted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:20 pm
by A_Broooen
I'm working on a project with node MCU esp8266 in arduino where I have a sensor connected to a station that sends data to an AP that also has a sensor that takes in data. The AP then does some calculations with the data and posts to serial monitor the final value. Is there a way to also send this data to my computer wirelessly? Ideally, I would send it to Google Sheets, but I'm not sure how to have the AP connect to the station client, and also have the AP send the data to Google Sheets. I have tried using Webhooks on IFTTT and using a trigger that inputs a new row, but again, I don't know how to get the AP to interact with Webhooks. Should I be using a http GET request to read the data somehow? Very new to this whole process and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for on other forums.