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Telegram controlling Domoticz

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2023 4:14 am
by Luc Volders
Domoticz has an option to send notifications to Telegram.
That is nice but rather limited.
Telegram can not send commands to Domoticz though.......

So I build a bridge.

The ESP8266 (and ESP32) is perfectly capable to send messages to Telegram.
Even better that is a two way communication: Telegram can send messages to the ESP8266 (ESP32)

The ESP series can also send and receive messages to Domoticz.

The ESP is the man in the middle. It can receive a message from Domoticz and send it to Telegram
and it can receive a message from Telegram and send it to Domoticz !!

Full story here:

In this story there is a breadboard setup with a button, an LDR and a DS18B20 thermometer chip.
The ESP can send to Domoticz and to Telegram and Telegram and Domoticz can communicate
with eachother.


Simple command like LON LOFF set the led on and off but also the lights in my Mancave,
TEMP and LDR get the values of the thermometer and the LDR.