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ESP8266 to Arduino Communication Software/API

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 11:00 am
by warath
I'm looking for a good API/Software that would make communication between an Arduino and ESP8266 over Serial easier, either via the AT, or NodeMCU Lua method.

1. Would need easy way to setup WiFi Access
2. HTTP Client Send/Receive (POST and GET methods) and return results to Arduino
3. HTTP Server Setup/Start/Stop
4. Reset ESP8266 on connection failures (I find mine will randomly drop from the WiFi and need a reboot).

I.e. I would love to just be able to send a command like updateIoT(some, variables, etc); to the ESP8266.
I've created some of my own scripts to do this, but they are not very robust or generic, meaning I have to update both Arduino sketches and the Lua code when making a change.

Anyone know of someone who has created something like this?
