Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By RichardS
#47313 How are the monitoring the battery voltage? I expect some sort of voltage divider so the input does not exceed 1.0V

I expect there is an internal reference of 1.0V? Does anyone know for certain how this works?

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By lorneb
#48025 Hi great idea to keep the data in RTC Ram,

I have some questions,

From what I've read the radio needs to powered up in order to use the ESP.getVcc() function, see: ... act-values

I noticed this because the values of the getVcc() varied greatly between when the detection was made ( wifi in sleep ) and when the email was about to be sent (wifi awake)

Has anyone else seen this? (I'm using nodeMCU 0.9 and 1.0 board types

2nd up, the line of code: { if (ESP.getVcc() < BATT_WARNING_VOLTAGE)
if ESP.getVcc() returns an Int representing Mv, then how is this ever going to be less than the #Define value you have of 2.X ?
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By torntrousers
lorneb wrote:From what I've read the radio needs to powered up in order to use the ESP.getVcc() function, see: ... act-values

Worth trying with the latest code as that has fixed this for me. See: