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Communication between arduino and esp8266 using SPI interfac

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:45 pm
by debojitk
Is there any way to communicate between arduino and esp8266 using SPI protocol?
I know that there is already a way to accomplish with serial communication, but kindly suggest if the spi comm. is possible where arduino can be put in slave mode?


Re: Communication between arduino and esp8266 using SPI inte

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:04 pm
by martinayotte
Of course it can !
But you need to establish you own software protocol to handle it, which is more complex than simple serial.

Re: Communication between arduino and esp8266 using SPI inte

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:49 am
by debojitk
Thanks for your reply.
So you mean, the library does not exist yet!
Actually i was looking for SPI option because of its speed, i think spi is fater than serial.
A quick question on serial: while the serial communication is on between esp and arduino, can i still use the usb serial as well for debugging?
Also at some portal I was reading that the voltage divider (between arduino tx and esp rx) approach does not work well for higher speed (i am looking for ~500000 baud), and people are suggesting for logic level converter. Is there any simple way to make such a circuit using a BJT?

Thanks Debojit

Re: Communication between arduino and esp8266 using SPI inte

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:14 am
by martinayotte
So you mean, the library does not exist yet!

SPI library already exist, but your own communication protocol isn't.
voltage divider approach does not work well for higher speed

Right, at high speed, the square wave of the signal becomes distorded. MOSFET level shifter is better :