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esp-01 doesn't connect to GY-87 (MPU6050)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:03 pm
by ith
Hi All,

I hope I'm posting to the right section of the forum, if not please point me to the right place.
I'm a bit new to ESP9266 and so far this forum has been very helpful, so I wish to thank all of you!

We're trying to connect an ESP-01 to a GY-87 board (with an MPU6050 unit), but no matter what we tried, the ESP doesn't recognize the MPU6050. Running the i2c scanner code doesn't find any i2c device, reading the WHO_AM_I register returns 255 and trying to read raw sensor data shows only values of -1.

Connecting the GY-87 to an Arduino Uno works perfectly: i2c scanner recognizes it on 0x68 as it should, and sensor data is streaming fine. We didn't need any additional resistors to connect to the Arduino Uno, just the simple 3.3, GND, SDA and SCL connections.

The ESP-01 seems to be working fine as well - we're able to setup an access point, send and receive UDP, blink GPIO 0 and 1, etc.

So we have good reasons to believe that both boards are functional, and the problem is either with the connections or with the code.

Our connections:

ESP-01 GY-87
-------- -------
VCC 3.3V

(We also tried to switch between SDA and SCL, but to no avail)

We tried to connect some resistors (10K) after the SDA and SDL - didn't help.
Also tried to connect INTA to GND - didn't help.

The codes we're executing are mostly example codes we found in Arduino Playground, in this forum and in some blogs - nothing special. We're using the libraries Wire.h and MPU6050.h, everything's working with Arduino, but not with the ESP-01.

What are we missing? We're almost desperate :(

Any help, any idea you guys might have, will be very much appreciated,


Ith & Tal

Re: esp-01 doesn't connect to GY-87 (MPU6050)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:09 am
by ith
Hi, bumping this one last time.. We're close to desperation and are considering to drop the ESP8266 altogether and switch to Arduino Nano (which is less suitable to our needs, but at least it works!)
Hasn't anyone succeeded in connecting ESP-01 and MPU6050 via I2C ?
Isn't it supposed to be super-simple?
Please help if you have ANY thoughts.
