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ESP-12S and mpu9250 communications problems

PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:37 pm
by jfhallst
This is an updated version of an earlier post that got no responses. Am hoping the added detail will get me some help. I'm trying to communicate between my Adafruit Feather Huzzah (ESP-12E) and a generic mpu9250 gyroscope/accelerometer/magnetometer using I2C. the ESP is finding the 9250 at address 0x68 on the I2C bus and the sketch I'm running grabs data of some sort from the 9250's registers, but the initial line of values just gets repeated over and over. Here's what I'm getting for values (gyro xyz, accel xyz, magneto xyz)

-256 0 2560 16926 449 29733 199 -16486 -700

I'm attaching the sketch. Any help would be hugely appreciated!