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ESP-04 boot or power up problem

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 5:20 am
by SGHristov
Hi, couple a days ago I've got 3 esp-04 modules. I connected one of them and flashed it with LUA firmware. Everything was perfect, but after couple of restarts I saw that the module isn't starting/booting every time.
When I connect the power to the module, on the serial I'm getting some garbage and after that the "Hello world" greeting from the init script. But some times I just get some garbage and that's all - death. I was thinking that the voltage regulator that I'm using don't have enough time to provide the necessary power to the module and I have made some changes on the schematic but the problem is still there. Any ideas ?

Re: ESP-04 boot or power up problem

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:33 am
by SGHristov
Today I flashed the ESP with standard AT firmware and after 20 restarts everything looks OK... Maybe I will try to build something with my own SDK based firmware (that will be the fastest firmware).

Re: ESP-04 boot or power up problem

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 7:35 am
by alonewolfx2
i preffer nodemcu :)

Re: ESP-04 boot or power up problem

PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 4:47 pm
by SGHristov
Maybe with the nodeMCU firmware is way easier, but after I ran couple of test the results are in favor of my SDK based firmware.
I wrote simple http server that sends me some data, and the free heap with the nodeMCU firmware was around 25-27K, with my firmware - 37K. But free heap space is not the only advantage. A way faster access to the gpio pins, you can optimize the code, in a way that you want, and so on...

But after after I played with the nodeMCU firmware and saw couple unexplainable restarts and crashes, constant heap problems and many others, I've decided to make my own firmware.