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ESP8266 nodemcu with RFID 860 Mgh

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:46 am
by idanmalul
Hello folks,

I a, using the - SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M6E Nano ( SEN-14066 ),
I am trying to using this module with ESP8266 nodemcu and getting a wiring
error whatever which I do.
I tried dozens of different wiring and nothing helps.
When I test the module with Arduino it's work fine, but with the ESP with no success.
The goal is to send the reading data to my server.

The RFID powered 5 v and the ESP 3.3 v, between them there is level
converter for convert signal between 5 to 3.3.

What is most likely causing the issue is all of the inputs on the Simultaneous RFID Reader are going to already be level shifted to go from 5V to 3.3V and you are starting with a 3.3V signal from the ESP8266 module which will cause problems with that level shifter.

Please advise, what is the best practice for using ESP with RFID 5v module and
what could be the problem.
