i2c problems with nodemcu
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:14 pm
Trying to talk to a htu21df i2c board at 0x40. Have flashed the NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150213 powered by Lua 5.1.4 and can talk to the machine. Used the great i2c discovery program (elsewhere on this forum) to discover the device at 0x40 and show me the gpio pins for sda and scl. I know tha the htu board is working because I can talk to it using an arduino.
Here's the software library that I wrote:
and here's the test code:
The problem is that no matter what, i get both h and l bytes set at 255.
I checked the voltage using the lua command and got 3.366 V, so I don't think it is a power problem. The htu board has pullup resistors on it.
Any ideas?
Trying to talk to a htu21df i2c board at 0x40. Have flashed the NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150213 powered by Lua 5.1.4 and can talk to the machine. Used the great i2c discovery program (elsewhere on this forum) to discover the device at 0x40 and show me the gpio pins for sda and scl. I know tha the htu board is working because I can talk to it using an arduino.
Here's the software library that I wrote:
Code: Select all
htu21df= {
dev_addr = 0x40,
id = 0,
init = function (self, sda, scl)
self.id = 0
i2c.setup(self.id, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
read_reg = function(self, dev_addr, reg_addr)
i2c.address(self.id, dev_addr ,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
i2c.address(self.id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER)
return c
readTemp = function(self)
h, l = string.byte(self:read_reg(0x40, 0xE3), 1, 2)
rawtemp = bit.band(bit.bor(h1,l),0xfffc)
temp = ((rawtemp/65536)*175.72)-46.85
return temp
readHum = function(self)
h,l = string.byte(self:read_reg(0x40,0xE5),1,2)
rawhum = bit.band(bit.bor(h1,1),0xfffc)
hum = ((rawhum/65536)*125.0)-6.0
return hum
and here's the test code:
Code: Select all
require('htu21df') --call for new created HTU21df Module Driver
sda=3 --GPIO2 -- declare your I2C interface PIN's
scl=4 --GPIO0
htu21df:init(sda, scl) -- initialize I2C
temp = htu21df:readTemp() -- read temperature
print(temp) -- print it
hum = htu21df:readHum()
The problem is that no matter what, i get both h and l bytes set at 255.
I checked the voltage using the lua command and got 3.366 V, so I don't think it is a power problem. The htu board has pullup resistors on it.
Any ideas?