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Garbage From ESP8266 Connected to Raspberry Pi

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:45 pm
by corynardin
This is my first experience with ESP8266. I have an ESP8266 ESP-07 hooked up to a RasPi. I have followed the getting started guide on the wiki (wiki/doku.php?id=raspberrypi:getting_started). I am having issues with the UART connection. In particular, I can only get garbage back when I connect. I have cycled through the baud rate from 600 up to 230400 (and I think even higher). No matter what though, I only get garbage. I made sure that TX/RX were swapped from each device. Any help is appreciated.

Re: Garbage From ESP8266 Connected to Raspberry Pi

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:57 am
by Bob Nash
I have a Pi but haven't yet hooked it up to the ESP8266. I would suggest trying to connect to the ESP from a desktop Linux system (if you have one) using a USB to serial adapter and a terminal program. Use ctl-J to generate the line feed that the ESP requires -- most terminal programs (such as minicom) only do a carriage return. ESP requires both.

This may help isolate the problem. I assume you are using something like minicom on the Pi to test, configuring it for /dev/ttyAMA0 (hardware port). I have also used USB to serial adapters on the Pi and they work ok. When configuring minicom (sudo minicom -s), be sure to turn off hardware handshaking. Some reports elsewhere on this site report the ESP coming up at a weird baud rate after a firmware update.

Are you using 3.3 Volt power from the Pi system board? Or perhaps through a USB to serial adapter? This is probably not an issue but a separate supply to the ESP might be worth a try. The module should have around 250 mA available to it.