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Differences between 8265 and 8266? Pinout the same?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:06 pm
by Sum~guy
I think that the 8265 has 512 mb internal ram vs 4 mb for the 8266 - yes?

The firmware that you flash into this thing really doesn't reside in the 826x - it resides in the external ram chip yes?

Another question - the pinouts for an 8265 are the same as the 8266? Same functions for each pin? Same boot and flash sequence?

Re: Differences between 8265 and 8266? Pinout the same?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:44 am
by eriksl
The 8265 is a 8266 with internal flash. The 8266 has an external flash chip that can be anything between 0.5 and 4 Mbyte. The 8265 has a piece of flash on the die itself, which is using the same (SPI) interface, btw and can't connect an external flash chip (I believe the required pins are not available externally). The internal flash is quite small, I believe it's something like 1 Mbyte, that's too small for me, but may suite others. Anyway the cost of an external flash chip is almost neglectible, I pay about $1.50 for 10 pcs of 4 Mbyte flash.

Re: Differences between 8265 and 8266? Pinout the same?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:33 am
by Sum~guy
If the 8265 has internal flash, then is it likely that manufacturers that use them would flash them before soldering them to the boards, or would they flash them using a header (or pad-contactor) after soldering them? Because for the board I have I can't see any connections to the RX/TX pins (25 and 26).

Re: Differences between 8265 and 8266? Pinout the same?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:37 am
by eriksl
Yes they're likely to be flashed before they're mounted.

If the image doesn't support OTA your screwed :o