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ESP8266 Wiring - Arduino UNO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:59 am
by Minozar
Hey !
First, I'm french, sorry for my bad english.

I got a problem. :c
I've an Arduino UNO and a WIFI Module ESP8266 (the littlest) and I have some question about the wiring of the ESP.

For now, I link the ESP with the Arduino UNO this way :

Arduino UNO ---- ESP8266
TX(uno) ---- RX(esp)
RX(uno) ---- TX(esp)
VCC 3.3v(uno) ---- CH_PD + VCC(esp)
Gnd(uno) ---- Gnd(esp)

But I now that this couldn't work.
The 3.3v pin Uno delivers only 50mA and the ESP needs until 300mA.
How should I link them ?

I want to use the ESP to send a Get Request when the UNO detects an event from a sensor.

Re: ESP8266 Wiring - Arduino UNO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:01 pm
by AcmeUK
The 3.3v pin Uno delivers only 50mA and the ESP needs until 300mA.
Use an external 3.3v power supply!
I want to use the ESP to send a Get Request when the UNO detects an event from a sensor.
Why not use one of the other ESP8226 variant boards to detect the event and send the get request.
Even simpler send a UDP message to a UDP receiver script. It depends on where you are sending the message and for what purpose.

Re: ESP8266 Wiring - Arduino UNO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:53 pm
by Minozar
For the 3.3 power supply.
I want to make an Internet connected object. If I use a power supply, it's mean that I'll have to use two sources of power ? Like two batteries or something like that ..

About what kind of ESP do you think ?
I'll can program it to send GET request on sensor event without Arduino ? How I'll can program it ?

Thanks for the answer !

Re: ESP8266 Wiring - Arduino UNO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:14 pm
by kolban
Why do you think you would need two sources of power? Are you thinking one for the Arduino and one for the ESP? If so, then you would still only need one source of power ... one that delivers the 5V needed to power the arduino and some electronics that delivers the 3.3V for the ESP from the same power source ... but the power supply should be able to deliver enough current for both solutions.
