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ESP6288 connect to Router with MAC-filter

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:03 pm
by mutgib492

I'm using the ESP6288 first time and have a problem:
I want to use the ESP as client (Station mode). So I set AT+CWMODE=1.
Thereafter I connect to my WLAN-Router with AT+CWJAP="my_ssid","my_password"
The answer is:

I don't know what this answer means, but I think I found the reason.
In my WLAN-Router there is a MAC-filter active. I have added the MAC-address of my ESP to the white list.
If I deactivate the MAC-filtering in my Router, the ESP connects successfully.

But I don't want to deactivate my MAC-filter for anytime.
So have someone an idea what the problem is or what I can try?
My MAC-filter works fine with all other devices, only the ESP I don't get through the filter.

I hope some one can help me.

Re: ESP6288 connect to Router with MAC-filter

PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:03 pm
by mutgib492
It seems that the problem was on router.
I did a firmwareupdate of the router and now it works :)