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ESP8266 Gizwit as Simple Adapter Board => Desoldering of....

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:13 am
by SwordMaster
I'm new here in the forum. I hope someone can help me :)

Currently i'm experimenting with the ESP8266. Already tried the Nodemcu successfully.
This one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NodeMCU#/ ... IT_1.0.jpg

But i want to experiment with battery powered usage. I already read something that ESP8266 is
power hungry for batterys.
Especially the Units with integrated USB, Voltage Regulator, LEDs etc...

=> i tried to buy ESP8266 (ESP-12) and buyed Adapter Plates. But i'm an extrem soldering newbe. And Yesterday i tried to solder the ESP-12 to the Adapter Plate (I had 5 Units), and no one works :(.

Now my Question:
I know the ESP8266 Gizwit Board. ESP8266 Gizwit
And this one comes already finished soldered.

Maybe it's easier for me, to buy this one, and desolder/remove the Voltage Regular, the LDR and an RGB LED.
=> Then i would have an simple ESP8266 incl. Adapter Plate.
=> Maybe cutting the power of the Voltage Regulator, LEDs, LDRs is simplier as soldering of a new ESP12 to Adapter. :-/

Can someone confirms that in this case i have an equivalent to an ESP12 with Adapter Plate? or I'm wrong?
I know that then i have to take care of 3.6V.

P.S. or does anyone know an alternative ESP8266 board, which is already soldered, but doesn't have Voltage Regulator etc?

Kind Regards

Re: ESP8266 Gizwit as Simple Adapter Board => Desoldering of

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:18 pm
by lethe
I'd rather suggest you find out why your boards are not working and fix them, as desoldering things is usually a lot trickier than to solder them.

A likely cause for your problem could be the ESP-12 adapter PCB itself, there are defective ones being sold.
Of the 3 resistors on the bottom top side, the middle one should be a 0 ohm one (i.e. a dead short). Some boards have a 10k resistor mounted (like the other 2).

You can check if your boards are affected by either comparing the labels (the one in the middle should read "000", the other 2 "103") or with a multimeter. To fix the boards, just desolder the resistor and short the pads with a blob of solder or a piece of wire.

If that's not the case, you should check adjacent pins of the ESP-12 you soldered for shorts with a multimeter. If there's a bridge, just heat both pads with your soldering iron and quickly pull it away from the ESP-12.

Also make sure, you have all the requisite pull-up/down resistors (GPIO0/2, RST, CH_PD up, GPIO15 down) and a sufficient 3V3 supply.

Re: ESP8266 Gizwit as Simple Adapter Board => Desoldering of

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:43 pm
by schufti
btw, the ESP-201 would be what you are looking for.

but, as lethe said, you either got defective ESP-12s or just weren't aware of the hw difference between "complete" systems like nodemcu and "bare" esp boards.