Analog Multimeter publishing on dashboard via ESP
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:00 am
This is it.
ESP8266 analog port reads the analog multimeter needle coil voltage, and send to a broker.
The trick is to publish the absolute angle ( 0 to 100% analog scale = 0 to max scale voltage) tha is the same no matter what function the multimeter is set to. Now ESP measures volts, amps, uF, Ohm, AC... and so on. Depends on the quality of your analog multimeter. Best for those with common ground .
>> how to
ESP8266 analog port reads the analog multimeter needle coil voltage, and send to a broker.
The trick is to publish the absolute angle ( 0 to 100% analog scale = 0 to max scale voltage) tha is the same no matter what function the multimeter is set to. Now ESP measures volts, amps, uF, Ohm, AC... and so on. Depends on the quality of your analog multimeter. Best for those with common ground .
>> how to
Code: Select all
/* using pinouts from copacabana ESP board (info pn
* S13: contato seco ou saida com pullup 4k7 : gpio13, nome na placa = S13
* rele builtin: GPIO45 ( sem rele fica como OC1 ( open collector 1) digital 5
* saida OC2 : open collector 2 = GPIO 54 digital 4
* G0 = gpio0, usado na programação, depois liberado pelo programa
* led NET (vermelho) = GPIO14
* led OK (verde) = GPIO12
* led rele vinculado ao rele em GPIO45 (d5)
* ADC = analog input A0
* pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // pino do Rele... criar alias para facilitar
digitalWrite(5, 0);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // led verde, ok
digitalWrite(12, 0);
pinMode(14, OUTPUT); //led vermelho, net
digitalWrite(14, 1);
#include <SPI.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ThingerWifi.h>
#define USERNAME ""
#define DEVICE_ID ""
#define SSID "yourWifiSsid"
#define SSID_PASSWORD "wifiPassword"
void setup() {
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // pino do Rele... criar alias para facilitar
digitalWrite(5, 0);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // led verde
digitalWrite(12, 0);
pinMode(14, OUTPUT); //led vermelho
digitalWrite(14, 1);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // led verde
digitalWrite(12, 0);
thing.add_wifi(SSID, SSID_PASSWORD);
// resource input example (i.e. turning on/off a light, a relay, configuring a parameter, etc)
thing["led_esp"] << [](pson& in){ digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, in ? LOW : HIGH); }; // led do esp12 azul
thing["led_ok"] << [](pson& in){ digitalWrite(12, in ? HIGH : LOW); };
thing["rele_1"] << [](pson& in){ digitalWrite(5, in ? HIGH : LOW); }; //inverti HIGH e LOW para combinar com a API no site
thing["rele_2"] << [](pson& in){ digitalWrite(4, in ? HIGH : LOW); }; //inverti HIGH e LOW para combinar com a API no site
thing["led_net"] << [](pson& in){ digitalWrite(14, in ? HIGH : LOW); }; //inverti HIGH e LOW para combinar com a API no site
// thing["led-ok"] << [](pson& in){ digitalWrite(12, in ? HIGH : LOW); }; //inverti HIGH e LOW para combinar com a API no site
// resource output example (i.e. reading a sensor value)
thing["millis"] >> [](pson& out){ out = millis(); };
thing["voltagem"] >> [](pson& out){out = analogRead(A0)-8;}; // icluí por conta essa variável, na sintaxe que conhecia...
// resource input/output example (i.e. passing input values and do some calculations)
thing["in_out"] = [](pson& in, pson& out){
out["sum"] = (long)in["value1"] + (long)in["value2"];
out["mult"] = (long)in["value1"] * (long)in["value2"];
void loop() {