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Entrant 78 : OpenMYR (Wireless Stepper Motor)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:34 am
by RichardS

We are OpenMYR and we are developing wireless motor hardware for use as
components in other projects such as robotics, home automation, DIY
hobbyist projects, etc. We started working on this project around the
time the competition was announced and are planning on bringing it to
kickstarter on the 31st. We have prototypes for a Texas
Instruments DRV8825-based stepper motor controller and a servo motor
controller. Future products include a brush motor and encoded DC motors.
The current alpha firmware connects to the wireless network specified in
user_config.h and then waits for UDP packets containing opcodes
("move": relative movement from the current position; "goto": absolute
movement to a specific position; "stop": stop moving and dwell) and
parameters (number of movement increments, movement rate and whether to
queue the command). The firmware supports queuing of commands using our
implementation of a ring buffer, but a new command without the queuing
parameter will preempt and clear the queue. The servo motor driver uses
our own PWM implementation that provides far more resolution than the
PWM library provided in the SDK. Both stepper and servo drivers use
Espressif's hardware timer. The primary output of the program is on
GPIO4, though the other GPIOs will be important as we implement more of
the design. The makefile can be used to compile both versions of the
firmware; "make all" makes both, "me stepper" makes the stepper motor
firmware and "make servo" compiles the servo code. The hardware designs
included in this email are for the stepper motor prototype.





Re: Entrant 78 : OpenMYR (Wireless Stepper Motor)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:58 pm
by OpenMyr
Hello Everyone,
We have a quick video of our PCBA prototype board in action.

Re: Entrant 78 : OpenMYR (Wireless Stepper Motor)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:07 pm
by RichardS
You beat me to it! Just got home to do it.... :-) looks good!


Re: Entrant 78 : OpenMYR (Wireless Stepper Motor)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:20 pm
by J4K3
1. Do you have plans to integrate a power supply element? 2. If, in a multi motor configuration, I'm running wiring from a power supply, what is the advantage of having a wireless controller? 3. What applications do you see this being integrated in? 3. I'm mechanically inclined, but am a very amateur programmer. Can you simplify and summarize your explanation of your hardware and application? Something like a real world example, in theory, with its current capabilities and potential possibilities. I'm not asking you to build and show something, just explain, or paper napkin doodle it.