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Flashing Problems

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:04 am
by SuperDave
First of all let me say that the ESP8266 basic is really cool!

My problem is getting a successful flash, I am working with the ESP-07. I have several of these and when I flash them sometimes it takes 4 or five flashes to get a successful flash. With the branch 3.0 alpha 34 and 43 I can't use the format flash at all it will just tell me the program has stopped working. When I do get a successful flash I usually end up crashing it while either trying to save a program or a setup for connecting to a wifi network. I am using a stable power supply I have gpio0 tied to ground ch_pd and reset tied high with a 10k resistor. The program says it flashes ( I get the 100% ) pop up but sometimes the esp will try to create an ap but then crash transmitting exception errors to the serial port it also reports mode 3,0 sometimes. If anyone has solutions I am open to suggestions.


Re: Flashing Problems

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:55 am
by Mmiscool
If you experience problems with the flasher you can use the bin files and upload using any of the other flashers out there. I know some people have had sucess with the node mcu flasher.

Re: Flashing Problems

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:25 pm
by SuperDave
Thanks for the suggestion, I did try with the nodemcu flasher with the same results. Just a note I can flash it with nodemcu firmware successfully. I used the 1M bin file in the nodemcu flasher. I am sure it is something I am doing wrong :(