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By 2084971
#90034 Doing some more research on this topic I found out that not only the SonarPhone app but also the Navionics app can use the data from my device where I want to implement an esp8266. For this Navionics app I found a small code that was written in Arduino IDE - and if worked when I implemented this on the esp8266. Just needed to manually configure the app, but it gave me the output as expected.

Aside from my poor programming skills I come across some other issues - but maybe this input will be enough to guide me to my goals!

* the unit will 'start-up' after connecting to the Wi-Fi network - and a verification from the app that it is actually connected with a capable device. This "handshake" needs to be implemented in the programming. (can it be done in any code?)
On GitHub I found the following regarding the handshake procedure;

* listeningport = 5000

* Server? In the output code I also found on GitHub the log shows Server "T-Box". Not sure if this of any need.

* Don't know for sure if IP addresses are that important. I remember the original module had an IP of and gave my phone the IP of if I'm correct.