I know I can mod a NodeMCU (esp8266) board to run MicroPython, but can I install MicroPython on the raw esp8266 chip? http://www.taydaelectronics.com/breakout-boards/esp8266.html
The NodeMCU is a power hog for my general use case, since serial is always on or running and furthermore not always needed/wanted. As depicted here: https://tinker.yeoman.com.au/2016/05/29/running-nodemcu-on-a-battery-esp8266-low-power-consumption-revisited/
The idea here is, can I install MicroPython on bare bones ESPy that offers low power consumption in a small size?
If so, then perhaps I can find a way to port minimalist/slimmed down libraries like Skulpt, Karrigell, etc... since I prefer Python, but that's for a different form.
If not, I know HTML is standard for ESP8266, can I also use or incorporate CSS and/or Javascript? I've dabbled enough in each to know my way around, just wondering if I would be able to utilize them to, for instance. display a pie graph that changes on the fly to represent signal strength. If CSS/JS is an option, can you provide some source/example code?
* Can I run MicroPython on raw esp8266? (not NodeMCU, Huzzah, etc...)
* If not, can I add CSS and/or Javascript to ESP8266's HTML for a more interactive web GUI?