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MySQL WS2812

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:56 am
by kodak

I have an MySQL Server that i want to hold the info for the ESP8266.

As default i want the ESP8366 to be an AP,
so i can login and set the WiFi sittings and let it access my home wifi.

When this is set i want the ESP8266 to look for my Server MySQL,
On my server is set how it is connected,
MySQL info:
- ESP_ip - ESP_pin - LED_amount - LED_type -

- - D1 - 60 - WS2812B -

- - D4, D2 - 60, 40 - WS2811, WS2812B -

In this setup i have two ESP8266:
First one with an "WS2812B" with "60" LED mounted on ESP pin "D1"
Second with an "WS2811" with "60" LED mounted on ESP pin "D4" AND an "WS2812B" with "40" LED mounted on ESP pin "D2"

So i want The "ESP" to compair its owen "IP" with the on in the "MySQL db"
if it exist it must use the info,

In a nother tabel i have the Effects and modes.
- led_effekt - esp_mode - color_R - color_G - color_B - timestamp -
- 20 - 2 - 150 - 200 - 255 - 1480206007 -

- led_effekt: is a specific effect type.
- esp_mode: is how the ESP's must run together. (If they have to dublicate of follow)
- color_R & color_G & color_B: If the effect for an example is set to fade this is witch color
- timestamp: Is the last changing.

Hope some one can help me make this happen.