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Multi-channel remote control using the ESP8266

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:26 pm
by jomac
Ive been searching for a remote control system using the ESP8266 that will work with my Philips Hue hub and the Amazon Echo system for remotely switching appliances or the heating on and off.

I recently bought off ebay, a remote control system with 5 channels and 5 power socket adaptors. The remote control which works on 433 Mhz has an on and an off switch for each channel.

What i am looking for is a project that could be adapted to give 5 on channels and 5 off channels to drive relays and connect this project to the 10 buttons on the remote, i would like it to be controlled by the Amazon Echo.

Im very experienced in electronics, but zero experience with the ESP8266 or Arduino''s could anyone help?


Re: Multi-channel remote control using the ESP8266

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:29 am
by eduperez
Search for "esp8266 433mhz" or "arduino 433mhz" and you will find tons of projects to send commands from a micro-controller directly to the power sockets.

Re: Multi-channel remote control using the ESP8266

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:30 pm
by rudy
Emulate a WeMo device with ESP8266 http://tinkerman.cat/emulate-wemo-device-esp8266/

Information on links and libraries. I'm looking into applying some of this now.

https://github.com/witnessmenow/esp8266 ... o-emulator

Let us know how you make out.