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WS2812 LEDs not reacting to anything

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:04 pm
by MortenMoulder
Hi, guys! I just got my ESP8266 NodeMCU and it's awesome as hell! Running a web interface on that small thing? Man, that's awesome.

So I'm running Arduino on it, as I'm very familiar with C++ and Arduino in general. I have tried literally 10+ different projects by now, which should light up a WS2812 LED strip. By simply using NeoPixels "strandtest" on my Arduino UNO, it works as it should. However, if I copy-paste that same code and upload it to my ESP8266, it won't work.

I am powering the strip (3 LEDs) directly from the ESP8266. I have tried externally powering it, but it's the same result. I really like this project because it's simple: http://pance.mk/index.php/wifi-light-wi ... uino-code/ - When I reload the page or click on one of the colors, the LED on pin 13 turns on quickly (to indicate it's actually working), but my strip will not change at all, even though I change to the correct pins.

The pinout for my ESP8266 can be seen here:

When I then see the code say "PIN = 4" or "PIN = 14" I set my WS2812 DN (DIN? DOUT?) to D2 (if PIN = 4) or D5 (if PIN = 14).

Is my ESP8266 faulty on arrival?


PS: Because of an update in NeoPixelBus, I am forced to do NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip (pixelCount, 14); before it works.

Re: WS2812 LEDs not reacting to anything

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:03 pm
by MortenMoulder
So I got this figured out today. Apparently the timing was wrong, so in my NeoPixelBus sketches, I had to use:

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, NeoEsp8266Dma800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin)

So now it works :)