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Auto-Shutdown after a while with NodeMCU? Not appreciated!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:58 am
by Mike93

I'm really new in this whole topic so perhaps this is a dumb question. Sorry!

I followed the instructions on this website: https://alexbloggt.com/funksteckdosensteuerung-mit-esp8266/

It's for controlling wireless sockets/plugs. It works pretty well but after a while (30 min or so) it doesn't. I can't control anymore. When I remove the power supply and re-add it to the NodeMCU it works again.

So, question is: Is there a standby? How can I tell the NodeMCU that it has to be "on" for every time as long as it has a power supply?

Thanks and merry xmas