I've installed the recommended CH340G serial driver, it's detected fine as COM8 (Windows 7 btw), I connected via PuTTY, and the only thing it'll give me is the bootloader message on reset (which only appears as non-gibberish at 74880 baud):
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
It accepts no input (i tried a few AT commands - nothing, not even an echo back), and I also tried at other baud rates such as 9600 and 115200.
I googled a bit and found the following suggestions:
• Use an external power supply
- I grabbed my bench supply and tried it with that on both the 5V pin (labelled Vin on the LoLin board) and 3.3V pins, no change.
• The CH340 chips are often unreliable
- I happen to have a 2102 FTDI UART-USB interface, so hooked that up. Detected as COM7, but no change.
- I should also mention I made sure the FTDI interface and bench supply had common ground.
• Try ESPlorer
Communication with MCU..Got answer! Communication with MCU established.
AutoDetect firmware...
Can't autodetect firmware, because proper answer not received (may be unknown firmware).
Please, reset module or continue.
• Reflash the firmware
- Cloned and built esptool
- Created a firmware .bin using that cloud build service (can't remember the URL, i'm sure you guys know the one)
A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting
for packet header
- HOWEVER, during the connection attempts the blue LED on the ESP8266 blinks a few times, suggesting it's aware something is going on.
At all stages I've used a multimeter to check continuity (I also checked to make sure my FTDI interface Tx/Rx was 3.3V and not 5V), and tried various combinations of serial interface, baud rates, power sources, and now I'm at a loss.
There's clearly something working on the ESP8266 as it does send that 1 line of data across the serial link on a reset, and there's that blinking LED when esptool tries to connect suggesting it can receive as well (although for all i know it could just be issuing a reset to the Rst pin over and over).
Anyone have any further tests I can do?