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Configuration fuses and updating bootloader ?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:44 am
by mr.sneezy
Two questions, that might be related.

My MCU experience is all with MicroChip PIC's from many years ago, and they have 'fuses' that are registers that hold the startup configuration of the MCU's peripherals (the ports, UARTS, CAN bus etc).
Does the ESP8266 have something like that and is it user read/writable ?

Second part to the question, does reflashing the bootloader change the configuration fuses/settings if they have them like above ?


Re: Configuration fuses and updating bootloader ?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:46 pm
by lethe
mr.sneezy wrote:Does the ESP8266 have something like that and is it user read/writable ?

No, at least I have not seen any indication of fuse bits on ESP8266 (ESP32 on the other hand does seem to have fuse bits).

Second part to the question, does reflashing the bootloader change the configuration fuses/settings if they have them like above ?

The bootloader is not flashable, its burned to ROM during manufacturing.

Re: Configuration fuses and updating bootloader ?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:32 am
by mr.sneezy
Thanks for the info.
OK, I'll post another question then that relates to these.