UART transmision using ESP8266 and MATLAB
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:16 am
I'm trying to transmit 20 frames (each frame size is 307,200 pixels) of a video sequence via UART. I'm using 2 ESP8266 WiFi modules using TCP connection in MATLAB.
To start, I tried sending a sample data 10 times in a for loop. Here is the code:
But the data isn't sent in all iterations. What should I do?
Results for iterations 6-10:
To start, I tried sending a sample data 10 times in a for loop. Here is the code:
Code: Select all
clear all
delete(instrfindall); % Close serial ports
TestString = char(' Test string: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 '); % data to send
TerminationTerm = 'CR/LF';
TimeOut = .01;
Baud = 115200;
server = serial('COM4','baudrate',Baud);
server.Terminator = TerminationTerm;
server.Timeout = TimeOut;
server.InputBufferSize = 2048;
fprintf(server,('ATE0')); % Echo off in ESP8266 module
fprintf(server,('AT+CWMODE=3')); %set the module as a client and also an access point.
fprintf(server,('AT+CIPSTO=1')); %set the time out
fprintf(server,('AT+CIPMUX=1')); %set multiple connection
fprintf(server,('AT+CIPSERVER=1,333')); %Open server on port 333
client = serial('COM6','baudrate',Baud);
client.Terminator = TerminationTerm;
client.Timeout = TimeOut;
client.OutputBufferSize = 2048;
fprintf(client,('ATE0')); %Echo off
fprintf(client,('AT+CWMODE=3'));%set the module as a client and also an access point
fprintf(client,('AT+CIPMUX=1'));%set multiple connection
fprintf(client,('AT+CIPCLOSE=5'));%Close all TCP connections
fprintf(client,('AT+CIPSTART=2,"TCP","",333'));%Start TCP connection on channel 2 and port 333, CLient cooncts to Server
fprintf(client,('AT+CIPSTO=1')); %set time out
for counter = 1:10
fprintf(client,('AT+CIPSEND=2,65'));% Send 65 Bytes on channel 2
fprintf(client,TestString);% send data
Response = (fgets(server))
But the data isn't sent in all iterations. What should I do?
Results for iterations 6-10:
Code: Select all
counter =
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Response =
counter =
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Response =
+IPD,0,65: Test string: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
counter =
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Response =
+IPD,0,65: Test string: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
counter =
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Response =
+IPD,0,65: Test string: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
counter =
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Warning: Unexpected Warning: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached.
Response =