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esp8266 access point and client

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:00 am
by gabrielislost
Dear friends,
I am doing a tutorial on esp8266 access point on this website: http://randomnerdtutorials.com/how-to-m ... 8266-talk/
and i have managed to finish it, a few questions are:
why do i need to plug the client into the computer for the code to work as it doesnt send hello world if i provide it with external power, can anyone help me plz?
the reason i am asking here is because the guy who posted the tutorial will not answer the question.
Sincerely Gabriel

Re: esp8266 access point and client

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:57 am
by rudy
I am not familiar with the NodeMCU firmware. But try providing a high to the RX pin with a resistor to VCC.

Re: esp8266 access point and client

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:27 am
by Mitchell QTT
You are trying some pretty compicated stuff with both a server, and a client, and no debugging (ie no computer connected).

You're not writing what you have tried so far and what the results were, so I can only comment on a pretty general level.

Standard procedure to get it to work is to use debugging and to slice your problem into small, separate problems.

Add debugging statements to the Client and the Server, hook them up to a PC and have them report on what they are doing. Eliminate all assumptions. All. Of. Them.

- Hook up the server to the PC and have it report (via serial) what it is doing, especially if any clients connect.
- Hook up the client to the PC, see if it connects to the server. Have it report when it sends its Hello World.
- Use the LEDs on Server and Client for debugging to see if they connect.