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Help with Android+Alarm Clock+ESP8266

PostPosted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:46 pm
by Victorugo
Hello There, I'm Victor, a really, really noob electronics student.

I'm trying to make a project for school (I'm at High-school plus technical education college)
I want to make a project that works like this:
The user sets a time at her Android smartphone.
When the times is reached, an microcontroller (probably Attiny85 for its price) sets an I/O pin to High level for 30 seconds, don't needing to return nothing to the smartphone.
Of course I have no idea how to make that. All my experience is with Arduino Uno and MSP430 Launchpad (plus Energia). I don't want to someone make that for me, but just some help because I really don't know NOTHING about the theme and I really, really need help.

And that is all folks.

(PS: I'm Brazillian and my english isn't very well at all [I admit that I used google translate sometimes in this post] so, sorry for my bad english :P )