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SPI1 Causing esp8266 to crash

PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:56 pm
by Warkec
Hi guys,

i'm working on a simple project, where i'm using the esp8266 module and stm32f7 discovery board. These two boards are connected via spi, where the discovery board is master and the esp is a slave. I used the SPISlave driver from the github page. The communication (currently only in one direction) is working, and i receive all the bytes which discovery board sends. However, the problem is that esp is randomly crashing (at random time points). I am sending 32 bytes at once at a period of 100ms (just for the test purpose). My dev env. is visual studio in combination with visual micro. I tried to look at stack trace which is dumped to the serial port but i can't figure it out, what is going on.

Since i've ran this tool (exception decoder) from the arduino dev. enviorment i also tried flashing esp from the arduino enviorment. And here comes the intersting thing. Esp is not crashing. The sketch is exactly the same.
Isn't visual micro using the same compiler? I mean what else can be different? Any ideas?

Re: SPI1 Causing esp8266 to crash

PostPosted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:44 am
by schufti
I don't know your sjetch and spi-slave driver, but depending on the flash method (DIO / QIO) there can be a difference.
The bootloader remembers the method and operates the flash chip acordingly on following reboots.
Flashing in DIO mode leaves two gpio's (9,10) free for other purpose ... that's why Nodemcu boards are flashed DIO by default (leaving gpio9,10 for user)