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PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:50 pm
by Fernando_05
hello, I'm completely new in this domain.
my goal is to make an IOT device with the chip WROOM-02.
I bought the dev. board ESP-LAUNCHER, and the chip WROOM-02.
I followed the instruction in the document: "ESP8266 SDK Getting Started Guide", but nothing has worked with me and I wasn't able to make the chip work.
My questions are:
1) In the datasheet, it is mentioned that the flash has a size of 2MB (Mega Bytes I guess!), but the physical chip on the baord WROOM-02, is FM25Q32, which is 4MBytes (32 Mbit as mentioned in the datasheet).
what is the right value to be taken into consideration?
2) What is meant by 2048(512+512) and 2048(1024+1024), and how can I know which one is my flash?
3) Is there any easy and direct link that explains how to program the WROOM-02 chip? (I saw for all types of esp8266 boards but nothing about the WROOM-02),
thanks a lot for your help.