How to read from slave on i2c with MAX11612–MAX11617
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:16 am
I am trying to read from i2c bus from IC MAX11615(datasheet)
I am unable to read from it by using brzo library. My understanding of hardware and firmware is not very strong and I have been trying to figure it out for sometime but not able to wrap my head around it. Will be really helpful if someone can point me to right direction.
I am unable to read from it by using brzo library. My understanding of hardware and firmware is not very strong and I have been trying to figure it out for sometime but not able to wrap my head around it. Will be really helpful if someone can point me to right direction.
Code: Select all
#include <brzo_i2c.h>
uint8_t SDA_PIN = 4;
uint8_t SCL_PIN = 5;
uint8_t MAX11615_ADR = 0x33;
uint8_t buffer[4];
uint8_t error = 0;
float pH = 0.0;
float EC = 0.0;
uint8_t ICACHE_RAM_ATTR get_pH_EC(float *p, float *e) {
uint32_t ph_code = 0;
uint32_t ec_code = 0;
uint8_t bcode = 0;
brzo_i2c_start_transaction(MAX11615_ADR, 400);
buffer[0] = 0xD2;
buffer[1] = 0x09;
brzo_i2c_write(buffer, 2, true);
buffer[0] = 0x00;
brzo_i2c_write(buffer, 1, true);
brzo_i2c_read(buffer, 4, false);
bcode = brzo_i2c_end_transaction();
// ec_code_e = buffer[9];
ph_code = ((buffer[0] << 4) | buffer[1]);
ec_code = ((buffer[2] << 4) | buffer[3]);
*p = ph_code;
*e = ec_code;
Serial.print("ph code = ");
Serial.print("EC Code = ");
return bcode;
void setup() {
brzo_i2c_setup(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN, 2000);
void loop() {
Serial.println("Waiting 5 seconds...");
error = get_pH_EC(&pH, &EC);
if (error == 0) {
//Print ph and ec
else {
Serial.print("Brzo error : ");