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Easy way to push data from serial interface through TCP ?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 8:10 am
by lcoulon

Here is my first post there as i'm newbie with ESP8266. :)

I bought a couple of ESP12F / ESP12E module because i would like to push to a distant server through GET method datas issues from a sensor board.

My sensor board has been designed with PIC uC and outputs on its UART a data every 5 minutes.
I expect to connect ESP-12F to the sensor board serial port and get the data sent out over the web.

I was wondering if ESP8266 projects would already exist to so, for a user friendly use would ESP8266 settings such as :
IP address, AP name to connect to,
TCP details where the module will send data to

be configured from a web interface through a browser ?

I tried to find some existing codes examples but did not find any yet.
Can you tell if all of this is possible and advice me how to start with it ?

Many thanks

Re: Easy way to push data from serial interface through TCP

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:56 am
by martinayotte
Simply google "esp-link" ...