Power options for first ESP-01 project; Four AAs vs Outlet
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 6:05 pm
So I'm working on creating a temperature sensor for my chicken coop outside so that we can ensure that it stays warm for them. I'm trying to decide between the TMP36 sensor and the DHT11 temp and humidity sensor. Both should work with the ESP-01 since both can draw the 3.3v and then send their readings to GPIO pins.
My first concern is powering the ESP-01. At first I was considering using [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019XT18IQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?smid=A35P912AEQH25B&psc=1]This four AA battery pack[/url] to provide 6V to [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00898NGL0/ref=ox_sc_act_title_7?smid=A2JO7YP9I9Y3D6&psc=1]this voltage regulator[/url] and then to the esp-01, but now I'm thinking about just using [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-Free-shipping-AMS1117-4-5-7V-turn-3-3V-DC-DC-Step-down-Power-Supply/32624897736.html?aff_platform=link-c-tool&cpt=1514242379575&sk=eeI6YBA&aff_trace_key=d69fbb8816d24080bfd8b141340cffa9-1514242379575-00815-eeI6YBA&terminal_id=817fe5afab84440292e7c90289342cd9]this voltage regulator instead.[/url] I will look into the deep sleep mode on this thing so that it just does occasional temperature checks, but I bet that it would still only last a few months at most. I haven't done all the math on how fast the temperature pings would drain the approximate 6000mah that the four AAs would provide though...
We do have a wall outlet inside of the chicken coop, so I'm considering just using a usb phone charger and soldering the 5v and ground wires to the step down power supply from aliexpress.
What has been your guys' experience with battery vs hard wired power for the esp-01? I could try to keep a li-on battery charged via a small solar cell, but it gets cloudy here for months, and I don't think that it would work in the long run.
My first concern is powering the ESP-01. At first I was considering using [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019XT18IQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?smid=A35P912AEQH25B&psc=1]This four AA battery pack[/url] to provide 6V to [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00898NGL0/ref=ox_sc_act_title_7?smid=A2JO7YP9I9Y3D6&psc=1]this voltage regulator[/url] and then to the esp-01, but now I'm thinking about just using [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1pcs-Free-shipping-AMS1117-4-5-7V-turn-3-3V-DC-DC-Step-down-Power-Supply/32624897736.html?aff_platform=link-c-tool&cpt=1514242379575&sk=eeI6YBA&aff_trace_key=d69fbb8816d24080bfd8b141340cffa9-1514242379575-00815-eeI6YBA&terminal_id=817fe5afab84440292e7c90289342cd9]this voltage regulator instead.[/url] I will look into the deep sleep mode on this thing so that it just does occasional temperature checks, but I bet that it would still only last a few months at most. I haven't done all the math on how fast the temperature pings would drain the approximate 6000mah that the four AAs would provide though...
We do have a wall outlet inside of the chicken coop, so I'm considering just using a usb phone charger and soldering the 5v and ground wires to the step down power supply from aliexpress.
What has been your guys' experience with battery vs hard wired power for the esp-01? I could try to keep a li-on battery charged via a small solar cell, but it gets cloudy here for months, and I don't think that it would work in the long run.