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Uploading to NodeMCU cp2102 w/ Arduino IDE Mac High Sierra

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:53 am
by agussari
Dear friends:

I have a problem in uploading any sketch to NodeMCU cp2102 using Arduino IDE on MacOS High Sierra. I heard that High Sierra has quite a number of compatibility problems. I cannot even see a connected serial connection to my NodeMCU on the IDE.

I tried with an app called SERIAL, and I could see the serial connection, but then it repeatedly says "remove "user.lua"" and I have no clue what to do with the message (it doesn't stop repeating itself), or how to remove the so-called "user.lua" from the NodeMCU.

Is there anyone that can help me do this? Is there any driver that I need to install first before I can do anything?

Thank you so much for your attention and your help.
